Things You'll Need
Pass out all the instruments until everyone has something to shake or strike. If there are more people than instruments, have some of them use pairs of spoons, pencils, yardsticks, paired pot lids or a wooden spoon and metal mixing bowl.
Have everyone with the same instrument tune up by striking their instrument quickly as hard and fast as they can, then slowing down while striking their instrument more and more softly until it can barely be heard. Repeat this step until everyone has been given the opportunity to warm up.
Strike or shake each instrument several different ways, taking note of the changes in the sound quality produced. Practice until each person knows how to make all the possible sounds for that instrument.
Choose pairs of players with two different instruments to play together. Make different sounds by striking with your hands, brushing or shaking your instrument while the other person does the same. Experiment until you find combinations of instruments that sound good together.
Bring the entire band together and play something all the way through. Remember to pause from time to time so that the softer instruments can be heard.