Things You'll Need
Insert glow sticks into your plastic bag. This will create extra terrestrial like lights for your UFO, and make it more realistic. Tie a kite string to your plastic bag for added control of your UFO. This also allows you to be environmentally responsible when disposing of the materials.
Wait for a day with mild winds. Use the wind to make your unidentified object fly. If you cannot wait, insert one small helium balloon into your UFO with double sided sticky tape. This will make your plastic bag become airborne.
Release your plastic bag in the early evening sunset. At this time of day it will be visible in the light, but not obscured by the dark. Make sure that you release it in an area clear of trees or tall buildings. These objects will give the observer something to gauge the size of the object from.
Take photos with your digital camera. Using the night setting will create convincing streaks of light in your photograph of a not so genuine UFO. If your digital camera has the capabilities, take amateur video of the UFO bobbing and weaving through the sky. Incorporate your acting skills into the video by shouting expletives and behaving like you just happened to have a video camera around when the UFO appeared. Still, take care to avoid objects that will provide a size or distance comparison to the viewer.
Be responsible. If your UFO scares children, or makes the local news, you should admit that you were experimenting in creating a UFO. You don't have to disclose how you did it. Instead, say that you would encourage people to try and recreate it.