Choose Interesting Science Toys
Visit children's toy stores carrying science toys online, like DiscoverThis (see Resources below). DiscoverThis has almost 20 brands of science toys and kits to choose from for ages 4 to 12 and up.
Choose stuffed animals meant to replicate real animals. Small children can learn about the wild in a safe and fun environment with plush toys to teach them. Stuffed animals teach children about body parts and different kinds of animals.
Pay attention to the amount of parental participation and supervision required for your children's science toys. Read instructions carefully, and stay nearby to answer your children's questions.
Select science toys you can explain to your children. It can be helpful for an adult to explain difficult concepts or help children understand a science activity.
Take a trip to a science exhibit or learning center in your area and visit the gift shop for high quality science toys. Look in the phone book or search online for children's science centers near you.
Select Suitable Children's Science Toys
Decide what science toys to choose for your children by age. Select toys with large parts for infants and toddlers. Get older kids toys with more complicated parts or those that are battery operated.
Learn about your children's specific science interests before you select their toys. Ask about what kinds of science related topics interest them--and what they are not interested in pursuing, as well.
Figure out what stimulates your child. If children's interests lean toward blocks and building, purchase science toys with gears and moveable parts. Children who like animals might respond best to nature games and animal toys.
Buy toys to accompany science related books and movies. Children who are interested in a movie about the galaxy might also enjoy finding stars with a star-finding toy.