Things You'll Need
Understand that children's ovens are designed for children over age 7 or 8. These ovens cook very small portions in a completely enclosed area heated by a light bulb.
Know that several brands are available. The most popular and the least expensive is the classic Easy-Bake oven, priced around $20. Mrs. Fields and Chuck E. Cheese's also make children's ovens priced around $25.
Realize that all of the ovens come with baking tools and pans or sheets for baking. They all have tools that allow the child to safely push the pans in and out of the oven without burning him or herself.
Recognize that each oven comes with several mixes for cakes or pizzas.
Notice that many addditional mixes and accessory sets - priced from $4 to $8 - are available for the ovens. These mixes can be used with any of the ovens, since they are all basically the same.
Notice that Easy-Bake has the most mixes available. There are Oreo cake mixes, Pop Tart snack mixes, cookie sets and candy sets.
Choose an oven and accessories from the list below or at your favorite online or local retailer.