Plush Mobile
To make a plush baby mobile you will need an embroidery hoop (or plastic/wooden circular frame), felt in a variety of colors, thick and thin ribbon and soft cotton or polyester filler, in addition to sewing supplies. Cut two identical squares out of one color of the felt and two identical triangles out of another color of the felt. Repeat the process two or three more times using a different shapes and colors. Sew each of the paired shapes together around the edges, but leave a small hole at least an inch wide. Turn the shapes inside out and fill with stuffing. Stick the end of a piece of thin ribbon, about 10 inches long, into the remaining hole of each shape. Sew the holes closed. Cut the thin ribbons attached to the plush shapes to various lengths. Secure the thin ribbon onto the embroidery hoop. Wrap the thick ribbon around the entire circumference of the hoop. Stitch or glue the end of the ribbon into place. Using three segments of thick ribbon, about 10 inches long, loop the ends around the hoop and sew, ensuring that the three segments are spaced evenly. Gather the three ribbon segments at the top of the mobile and fold the ends over, about one inch. Sew the ribbons together at the end of the fold to create a hanging loop.
Paper Mobile
Cut a variety of shapes out of brightly colored paper or magazines. Secure the cut-outs to pieces of cardboard with white glue. Punch a hole at the top of each shape and tie a 10-inch piece of thin ribbon at each hole. Cut the ribbon to a variety of lengths and attach each piece to an embroidery hoop or circular frame. Wrap thick ribbon around the hoop and sew or glue the end of the ribbon to itself. Loop the ends of three pieces of 10 thick ribbon in evenly spaced sections on the hoop. Bring the loose ends to the top of the mobile and create a hanging loop by folding the ends over and sewing the ribbon to itself.
CD Mobile
Gather 6-8 old CDs and glue two to each other, making sure the reflective sides faces out. Tie a 10-inch piece of thin ribbon to each CD. Attach the ends of the thin ribbon, at varying lengths, to an embroidery hoop. Wrap thick ribbon around the entire area of the hoop and secure the end into place by sewing or with glue. Connect three additional pieces of thick ribbon to the embroidery hoop, making sure the segments are evenly spaced. Gather the ribbon at the top, fold the pieces over, and sew together to create a loop for hanging.