Things You'll Need
Measure the circumference of the coffee can lid and use the push pin to punch five evenly-spaced holes around it, 1 inch from the edge. Punch another hole in the middle of the plate.
Cut five 10-inch lengths of yarn and one 12-inch length. Poke the end of the 12-inch piece through the hole in the center of the lid (enlarge the hole with the push pin if necessary) and double-knot the end so that it will not pull through. Repeat with the 10-inch lengths of yarn on the holes around the edge. The knots should be at the top of the coffee can lid; the loose ends, hanging below it.
Use the push pin to punch a hole through the top of each foam cutout ¼ inch from the edge. Thread the loose end of a piece of yarn from the coffee can lid through the hole in a foam cutout and double-knot the end so that it will not pull through.
Punch four more evenly-spaced holes around the circumference of the lid, ½ inch from the edge. Cut four 12-inch lengths of yarn and thread them through the holes. Double-knot the yarn on the bottom of the coffee can lid so that it will not pull through. Tie the four strands of yarn together with a loop at the top for hanging.