Analyze Different Types of Infant Projection Toys
Find an infant projection toy that simulates the nighttime stars. Projectors can shine pictures of constellations or stars on the ceiling to help an infant nap or enjoy a soothing nightly routine with real indoor stars.
Research infant crib mobiles that double as ceiling projector toys. Many infant mobiles have a mode that enables them to shoot images out of their tops.
Choose infant projector toys that feature your child's favorite characters. Disney, Looney Tunes and Winnie the Pooh characters are all popular subjects for infant toys, including light projectors and mobiles.
Buy infant projection toys that add to the nursery environment. Choose a tropical projection toy for a jungle-themed room or an ocean toy for a room inspired by the sea.
Select and Purchase Infant Projection Toys
Check out the First Years Dreams-In-Sight Projection Mobile. This mobile projects nighttime images of a sleepy moon and stars right above an infant's head for maximum visibility. It also plays four songs to help soothe the baby to sleep.
Consider the stimulating Fisher Price 2006 Mix and Match Musical Mobile. Select the amount of infant stimulation this mobile delivers, including ceiling projection and eight different song choices.
Light up a dark night with the Earlyears Musical Mushroom Delight infant lamp. The Musical Mushroom Delight projects a light show onto the wall and plays songs to help the drowsy infant drift off to sleep.
Purchase the Fisher Price Starlight Projector for the infant who loves Winnie the Pooh and his pals. This nightlight and projector in one projects images of Pooh and his friends on the ceiling. The Starlight Projector also plays music and can be controlled with a remote that hangs on the door.
Give your infant the experience of a sea adventure with the Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Projection Mobile. Select projection settings with the convenient remote control and watch your infant enjoy the sight of bubbles, swirls and fish over his crib.