Beyblade consists of two small, round beys that spin inside the battle arena when released from a launcher. The beys collide with each other, earning points every time the opposing bey spins out of the arena, stops spinning or sustains damage. The speed at which your bey spins when you launch it can impact the outcome of your Beyblade battle. There are two main launcher styles for a Beyblade, string or winder-style. The pull-string is on the back of the string style, releasing the bey from the front. The winder-style mounts the winder on the side, giving you more accuracy in your release but less speed than the string. Mount your bey to the launcher the same way for either style.
Hold the launcher with the winder or cord closest to your body.
Turn the launcher so that the prongs are facing up, then lay it on a flat table.
Hold your bey with the bit chip facing toward the launcher and the spinner facing up. Align the spaces around the bit chip with the prongs on the launcher.
Press the launcher and the bey together firmly until you feel the bey click onto the launcher. Lift the launcher, position it over the arena, and pull the cord or winder rapidly to release your bey into the battle.