Things You'll Need
Go to your local tobacco shop and purchase a clay or corncob pipe. Clay pipes will be difficult to find and also expensive; however, corncob pipes are relatively cheap.
Go to your local toy store and purchase bubble solution. If you prefer, you can also make your own bubble solution at home using soap and water. Combine 15 parts water with one part dish detergent to make your own solution.
Carefully fill the bowl of the pipe with the bubble solution. Do not overfill the pipe or allow the bowl to overflow.
Place your mouth on the mouthpiece of the pipe and gently blow. Watch as bubbles rise from the bowl of the pipe. Never suck in through the mouthpiece, as you will end up with a mouth full of soapy bubble solution. Add more bubble solution to the pipe as needed.
Clean out the pipe when you are finished blowing bubbles. Thoroughly rinse the pipe, flushing it out with warm water. Set the pipe aside and allow it to fully dry between uses.