Things You'll Need
Measure the width of your hand. Use the ruler to draw a rectangle on the paper that is 4 inches longer than your hand is wide and 4 inches high.
Starting 2 inches from one end, place the quarter in the middle of the rectangle and trace around it. Trace four quarter-sized circles for finger holes in the rectangle handle.
Draw the blade of the knife in. The blade should be about one and a half times as big as the rectangle, but you can make it bigger if you like. The blade should be curved upward. Use the compass to help you with the curves if you want.
Cut out the paper knife. Put your fingers through the holes and make sure that the knife fits your hand. If it is too big or too small, draw another template, making adjustments as required.
Cut open the corrugated cardboard box and place it on your work surface. Place the paper template on the corrugated box and trace around it with the pencil. Repeat to trace out a second shape. Cut out the knives.
Lay the silver gift wrap out onto your work surface, silver side down. Use the paper template to trace two chakra knives onto the back of the silver gift wrap. Cut out the shapes. Turn the paper over and trace two more knives and cut them out.
Glue a silver knife to each side of the corrugated cardboard box knives. Your chakra blades are ready for action.