Place the glow stick somewhere warm, such as under a pillow, inside of a purse or in your pocket. Hotter temperatures make glow sticks glow brighter, but they also shorten the lifespan of the glow stick, which makes it stop glowing faster. On the contrary, colder temperatures produce a dimmer glowing effect, but the glow will last longer.
Reduce the glow of the stick without stopping it completely. A low glow may be better than a bright one if your goal is to make the glowing stop. Stick the glow stick someplace that is colder than 59 degrees Fahrenheit, such as your freezer, to make the glowing dimmer and less obvious.
Leave the glow stick out in the open, regardless of temperature, to stop the glowing. Eventually, the glowing will stop on its own when the chemicals run out.
Keep the glow stick still. Do not bend it, shake it up and move it around as this can cause more of the chemicals to release and the glowing to intensify.