Body Turn Hoop Isolation
Suitable for beginners, this trick is relatively simple to perform and pleasing to viewers. It involves a full turn of the body as the hula hoop spins in a wheel-like motion. Execute this trick by placing each hand on opposite sides of the hoop and extending it out in front of your body. Cross your right leg in front of your left, then turn your body 180 degrees to the left. Maintain the hula hoop's position throughout the turn, rotating your hands around your body. Cross your legs and turn again to finish the trick and return to the starting position.
Thread the Needle
If you have two hula hoops, you can entertain onlookers by spinning both hoops simultaneously around your hands. Begin the trick by holding one hula hoop in each palm with an underhand grip and your arms extended outward. Bring both hoops up and toward each other by twisting your wrists. When your palms are facing downward, let the hoop rotate downward around your palm. Reposition your hand and grasp the hoops to bring them up again. To "thread the needle," cross your arms at the elbows before allowing the hoops to drop. When the hoops return to your palms, push outward with your top hand to separate your arms again. Alternate the top and bottom positions of your hands with each revolution of the hoops.
Horizontal Elbow Pass
In this flashy and difficult trick, the hula hoop passes behind your back by way of your extended elbows. To perform it, begin by spinning the hoop around your neck. Wait for the hoop to pass in front of your face, then bend your arm and stick your elbow upward near your ear and through the hoop. During the hoop's next revolution, bend forward at the waist and duck your head down, leaving the hoop to rotate around your bent elbow. When the hoop passes behind your back, switch the hoop to your opposite arm by sticking your other elbow inside. For greater success, keep your elbows diagonal and your hands close to your body throughout the trick.
Coin-Spin Foot-Pass
Another visually impressive move, this trick requires a hard, smooth surface in an open area. Start by grasping the top of the hoop and placing it upright against the floor. Flick your fingers to set the hoop in motion so it resembles a spinning coin. When the hoop's opening comes around toward you, stick your right leg inside, bend your knee and wrap your ankle around the hoop. Bring your leg up behind your back and grab the hoop with your opposite hand. Finish the trick by putting your body inside the hoop and resuming the basic hooping motion.
Across the Chest Hoop Roll
Far away from the conventional around-the-waist hooping technique, the hoop rolls across the body in this trick. Begin by spinning the hoop around your right hand in a counterclockwise motion. Keep the hoop's rotation parallel to your body as you extend your arm out to your side. When the hoop reaches the top of its revolution, switch your hand to the outside so the hoop lands in your upturned palm. Open both your arms and let the hoop roll across your chest and down your left arm to your hand. To get a smooth roll, bend from your lower back to create a flat plane for the hoop's path.