Things You'll Need
Find an old RC toy car or visit a local toy shop to obtain one. An inexpensive model will work perfectly for the purposes of this procedure.
Remove the plastic shell of the RC car and set it aside. This will reveal the various components arranged on the wheel base. The wheel base will act as the base of your robot and provide its sturdy means of locomotion via the wheels.
Leave the two circular servos (motors) on the wheel base as is, but remove the green, rectangular receiver board and the black battery pack. You are salvaging these components for use later, so do not dispose of them. Also, set aside the controller that comes with the RC car for later.
Take two strips of hook and latch fasteners and use scissors to cut each into two separate pieces, with one piece from each consisting of the hook side and the other, the latch side. This will leave you with four total pieces.
Apply a thin layer of professional strength glue to the backs of each of the four fastener pieces.
Apply one of the hook pieces to the back of the receiver board and the other onto the back of the battery. Apply one of the latch pieces to the top center of the wheel base and the other latch piece onto the bottom center of the base. Allow several minutes for drying.
Affix the receiver board onto the children's robot by attaching its hook piece to the latch piece on the top of the wheel base.
Affix the battery pack onto the children's robot by attaching it in the same way you did the receiver.
Wire the components to the robot's receiver board. The board has a number of open channels on its end that accommodate wires. Insert the two-wire lead extending out of the battery pack into the channel on the end of the receiver marked as "Batt" or "Battery."
Wire each of the servos to the receiver board. The wire that extends out of each servo should be connected to separate channels on the receiver. Do not wire them together.
Turn on the controller and test the movement of your children's robot.
Add decorative pieces to the robot optionally to give it style and make it more appealing to children. Consider adding pieces of other toys and action figures to the base using your professional strength glue.