Things You'll Need
Squeeze 1 tbsp. of glue into one of the cups. Glue contains polyvinyl acetate, which binds to itself to create a polymer when combined with an agent like borax. Stir in a few drops of food coloring to make the glue the color you want your ball to be.
Combine the warm water and borax in the other cup. Stir until all of the borax is dissolved. Borax helps to bind the particles to each other.
Add the cornstarch and 1 tsp. of the borax mixture to the glue and let stand for 15 seconds. Cornstarch thickens the mixture and allows it to form a ball rather than remaining gooey. Stir the mixture together until it thickens and you can't stir anymore.
Mold the mixture into a ball, rolling it between your hands. This step will be particularly messy, so be sure to have warm water on hand to wash your hands afterward. Your ball will have a slightly elastic texture to it but should bounce high. Store your ball in an airtight container to keep it from drying out.