Hold the kite string spool in one hand and hold the box kite upright with the other.
Hold the box kite outwards and begin running to create wind resistance. If you have wind, run into the wind to help increase wind resistance.
Let go of the kite and slowly give slack on the kite string spool. Stop running when the kite stays afloat. Continue to give slack until the kite reaches an appropriate height.
Adjust the height of the kite according to how the kite flies. For example, you need to give extra slack if the kite starts to move violently or erratically. These types of movement can actually damage the kite's structure. Extra slack gives the kite more flexibility to move.
Slowly reel in the kite with the kite string spool. Give a little extra slack right before the box kite falls to the ground. This helps soften the kite's landing when it finally lands.