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How to Build a Lego Mouse Droid

A droid is a robotic mechanical being that has artificial intelligence. A droid can possess a variety of skills such as the ability to talk and pick up items. They can also have medical and astromech abilities. A droid can also look like a human such as C-3PO, the humanoid protocol droid that is known in the "Clone Wars" and "The Galactic Civil War" or in a simple robotic form that has a rounded head and short body. Some droids are in the form of animals such as a dog, cat or a mouse. If you would like to create your own Lego mouse droid, Lego provides builders with the ability to create just about anything with its special pieces.

Things You'll Need

  • 2 black roof tile 1-by-1-by-2/3, abs
  • 1 black brick 1-by-1 w. 2 knobs
  • 2 gray lamp holders
  • 4 black round plate 1-by-1
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    • 1

      Connect the legs to the torso. Connect a gray lamp holder on both sides of the black brick 1-by-1 W. 2 knobs piece. The holders on the lamp holder pieces should face downward.

    • 2

      Form the head of the mouse. Connect a black roof tile 1-by-1-by-2/3, abs on both gray lamp holder pieces.

    • 3

      Add the feet. Connect a black round plate 1-by-1 on each opening of the lamp holder pieces.

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