Things You'll Need
Draw the pouch on the graph paper. The pouch should be an oval about 5 inches by 2.5 inches. You can make the corners straight instead of round if you wish. Both shapes work equally well.
Cut out the graph paper template of your pouch. Place the template on the leather and use the marker to draw around it. Use the scissors to cut the template out of the leather.
Make two holes 1/4 inch in diameter on either side of the pouch with the leather punch. The holes should be made at least 1 inch from the edge to prevent ripping.
Stand with your left hand pointing downward at your side. Measure from your heart to your wrist and cut two lengths of nylon cord to that length.
Thread the ends of the cords through the holes you punched from the outside of the pouch to the inside. Loop the short end of the cord around the back of the long end and back through the first loop. The thread should form a figure eight. Pull the knot tight.
Using a normal knot, make a loop at the end of one cord and knot it in place. This will be the retention loop and will go over the middle finger of your throwing hand. The other cord will be released while the loop secures the sling to your hand.
Place the retention loop on your middle finger. Make a knot in the release cord, a couple of inches from the top so that the release cord and the retaining cords hang evenly. You will use the knot to hold onto the release cord when you are swinging the sling.
Thread the retaining cord loop over the middle finger of your throwing hand. Hold the knot on the release cord between your thumb and forefinger of the same hand. Place a pebble in the pouch. Swing the sling in a circle and then let the release cord go.