Disassemble the Beyblade you wish to customize, such as the Dragoon Fighter or Dranzer Gigs. There are five components to a Beyblade: the energy wheel, fusion wheel, spin top, performance tip and face bolt.
Disassemble another Beyblade. Keep the components of these two Beyblades separate.
Replace one component of a Beyblade with an equivalent component of the other Beyblade. Reassemble the Beyblade. For example, replace the fusion wheel of the Dragoon Storm for the components of Dragoon Fighter U.V.
Test the customized Beyblade assembly against another Beyblade to see how frequently it wins. If it loses a lot, try something else. Replace any component for an equivalent component of another Beyblade of the same set. The sets are the Basic set, Magnacore set, Engine Gear set and Heavy Metal Set. A component from one set won't work for a component from another set. In other words, only switch out components of Beyblades that are within a certain set. Trading parts between two different sets won't work because they won't fit together.
Carefully remove the decals on the components, like the name of the Beyblade or special flame images, and place them on another equivalent component. This can further confuse your opponent as to what kind of Beyblade you are using.