Place the clear wheel on top of the metal wheel. Place the plastic wheel so that its protrusions sit in front of the metal protrusions for multi-hit mode. Place the plastic wheel so that its protrusions sit above and forward of the metal protrusions for smash attack mode, also called upper mode, because the plastic wheel looks raised above the metal one. The drawback of this unique two-mode feature is that the plastic wheel can not fit with any other metal wheel except L Drago's.
Drop the spin track through the center of the metal wheel. Hold it to the metal track with your fingers as you turn the L Drago over so the clear wheel is facing upward.
Drop the face bolt through the center of the plastic wheel.
Tighten the face bolt finger tight. Tighten it an extra half-turn with the included socket wrench device. Turn the L Drago upside down again.
Drop the performance tip on top of the spin track. Tighten the performance tip to finger tight and give it an extra turn with the socket as you did for the face bolt.