Checkout Length
Like libraries, toy checkout systems need set rules on how long a toy can be checked out, whether it's a few hours or a few weeks. You want to give the child enough time to play with it, while giving other children the chance too. This choice can be influenced by how many of a particular toy your checkout system has, as well as the demand for the toy. A good checkout length is a week or two. Assigning fines for late returns acts as a deterrent against keeping the toy too long.
If your toy checkout system isn't completely funded by an organization or person, then charging money for its users is appropriate. You can do a monthly membership fee or a fee for each item checked out or a fee based on how long the person wants to check out the item. These fees help cover the cost of the toys, the facilities where the toys are stored, payment for employees and upkeep on the toys.
With toy checkout systems comes the concern of cleanliness. Passing toys around that have been touched by sick children spreads diseases. That's why your toy checkout system needs to uphold a strict level of cleanliness. First, encourage parents to keep toys clean and discourage sick children from using them. As well, clean the toys when they are returned. This keeps people healthier and your customers happier.
A toy checkout system can have a variety of items, not just simple playthings. In addition to those toys, get books, games, puzzles, CDs, videos and educational materials. This increases the popularity of your toy checkout system, as a variety of items will meet the interests of parents and their children. In particular, parents like educational toys because kids learn while having fun. As well, offer a form to parents to request items. This helps you gauge what things people want to see available in your toy checkout system.