Things You'll Need
Moisten the suction cup with a drop of water. Alternately, moisten a paper towel or your finger and wipe the suction cup with it to spread the water evenly.
Press the suction cup against the faceplate gently so as not to damage the response system or bend the cap. Make sure that the edge of the cup is pressed flush against the cap; where it is attached, the suction cup will appear more transparent.
Pull the suction cup away in a single movement, moving your hand straight away from the yoyo. Do not pull at an angle, this can dislodge the suction cup or bend the cap. Repeat the previous steps if necessary.
Hold the new cap with the outside of it facing your palm. Insert the cap at a 45-degree angle into the empty face of the yoyo so that one side of the cap is underneath the lip that holds down the faceplate.
Lower the angle of the cap, sliding it deeper into the faceplate bed; the edge of the cap not already inserted will flex slightly and just touch the top of the lip of the yoyo.
Use two fingers to press down the edge of the cap that is resting on the lip; press down and towards the response system as if trying to guide the cap down the curve of the lip. Continue pressing until the cap passes over the bottom edge of the lip and pops into place; during this process the cap will flex slightly and then slip under the lip, expanding to fill the faceplate cavity.
Press the edges of the cap lightly to ensure that they are securely tucked underneath the lip.