Things You'll Need
Yo-yo Maintenance and Lubrication
Take apart the yo-yo and separate the bearing, the spacers and the axle. Unscrew the two halves using a small screwdriver. Separate the halves and slide off the bearing and the parts of the shaft.
Wipe excess debris or dirt build-up using a dry towel.
Clean the bearing, spacers and axle thoroughly with a wet towel. Dry the bearing before adding any lubricant.
Scoop a small amount of Vaseline or squeeze Vaseline Lip Therapy into a small container.
Dip the end of a Q-tip into the Vaseline and apply it to the surface of the bearing.
Wipe your fingers with a dry towel after applying the Vaseline to avoid getting any of the lubricant on the yo-yo halves.
Reassemble the parts of the yo-yo by reversing the actions you completed in step one.
Re-apply Vaseline every 30 minutes to one hour to maintain lubrication.