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How to Use Vaseline on Yo-Yo Bearings

Proper maintenance and lubrication are essential to performance, whether you are using a fixed-wooden axle yo-yo or a transaxle yo-yo with either nylon bearing or ball-bearing. There are several different kinds of lubricants available. Vaseline or Vaseline Lip Therapy are effective for both nylon and ball-bearing yo-yos because it greatly improves its responsiveness. Applying Vaseline on a bearing will help to decrease the amount of noise, increase the length of time it "sleeps" or spins as it stays down at the end of the string and help the yo-yo to return smoothly to your palm.

Things You'll Need

  • Vaseline or tube of Vaseline Lip Therapy
  • Small screwdriver
  • Towels
  • Water
  • Small container
  • Q-Tip
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  1. Yo-yo Maintenance and Lubrication

    • 1

      Take apart the yo-yo and separate the bearing, the spacers and the axle. Unscrew the two halves using a small screwdriver. Separate the halves and slide off the bearing and the parts of the shaft.

    • 2

      Wipe excess debris or dirt build-up using a dry towel.

    • 3

      Clean the bearing, spacers and axle thoroughly with a wet towel. Dry the bearing before adding any lubricant.

    • 4

      Scoop a small amount of Vaseline or squeeze Vaseline Lip Therapy into a small container.

    • 5

      Dip the end of a Q-tip into the Vaseline and apply it to the surface of the bearing.

    • 6

      Wipe your fingers with a dry towel after applying the Vaseline to avoid getting any of the lubricant on the yo-yo halves.

    • 7

      Reassemble the parts of the yo-yo by reversing the actions you completed in step one.

    • 8

      Re-apply Vaseline every 30 minutes to one hour to maintain lubrication.

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