Ensure the digital key chain has been sufficiently charged, as outlined in the user manual. If there are no messages, images or text on the screen, then it needs charging. If it still does not work after charging, or does not respond during the charging process, then it could indicate something more seriously wrong. You may have to get a replacement product.
Load pictures onto your key chain in horizontal format, as vertical pictures often do not display properly. This is the likely cause of any missing pictures on your key chain.
Reduce the resolution of pictures if you are struggling to fit the amount of pictures you would like. Reducing the quality of the picture will consequentially reduce the file size -- and you are unlikely to notice the reduction in quality on a screen as small as the key chain display.
Do not remove the USB cable from the key chain while pictures are being transferred from the computer. This can be responsible for scrambled pictures on the display. If you see this problem, you should reconnect the digital key chain, delete the problem pictures and reload them onto the unit again.