Things You'll Need
Start with the most simple hula hooping technique. This is the around your waist method that most everyone is familiar with. Put the hoop over you and hold it at your waistline. Spin the hoop either clockwise or counterclockwise, whichever is easiest for you. Move your hips whichever direction that the hoop is spinning. Keep your feet planted and rotate your hips in a circle. The circles should be small and you should slightly bend your knees.
Try the lasso once you have perfected the original hula hoop move. Once you get the hoop going, bring your left hand down and grab the hoop. Pull it quickly above your head. Keep the hoop in motion with your left hand or with both hands if this is easier for you. Try bringing the hoop back down to your waistline. As you bring the hoop down begin rotating your hips. Give the hoop one last spin with your left hand and let your hips take over.
Practice hula hooping with two hoops. Place two hula hoops at your waistline and begin spinning them simultaneously. Move your hips to keep the hoops going. As the hoops spin, one is likely to go faster than the other so you may experience an orbiting type spinning with the hoops. The trick is to move your hips so that you keep both hoops in motion. This trick takes lots of practice, but once you have mastered it, try the lasso with the top hoop, while the bottom hoop is still in rotation around your hips.
Hold the hula hoop so that it is right above your shoulder, level with your neck. Begin spinning the hoop and use your neck to keep the hoop going. After you have several rotations, begin moving your entire torso, and shoulders so that they are in the same rotation as the hoop. Shimmy your body to direct the hoop over your shoulders. Use your shoulders to hoop. Keep moving your body with the hoop and allow it to spin back down to your waistline.