Things You'll Need
Place your Bakugan trap on the gate card next to your active Bakugan during your turn. The elemental attribute of the trap must match that of its accompanying creature.
Allow the trap to open. Bakugan traps have the same magnetic opening system as the creatures and will pop open on the gate card.
Activate the ability of the Bakugan trap. Traps with elemental symbols change the attribute of the main creature to one of the symbols on the trap. Those with a G-Power symbol add their G-Power rating to that of the Bakugan.
Play any Bakugan gear or special abilities. These may also affect the attribute or G-Power.
Total all G-Power from gear, abilities and Bakugan traps. The player with the highest G-Power at the end of the turn gains control of the gate card, sending his opponent's creature to their used pile.