Things You'll Need
Decide on the length of boffer that you would like to make.
Use the measuring tape and measure a piece of PVC pipe that is 6 inches shorter than the desired weapon length. Mark the measurement with the permanent marker. Cut the PVC pipe on the mark with the hacksaw.
Use the measuring tape and measure a piece of foam or pool noodle 10 inches shorter than the desired weapon length. Mark the measurement with the permanent marker. Cut the foam or pool noodle with a utility knife.
Use the measuring tape and measure a piece of foam or pool noodle 4 inches long. Mark the measurement with the permanent marker. Cut the foam or pool noodle with a utility knife.
Wrap the larger piece of foam or pool noodle around one end of the PVC pipe leaving a 4 inch overhang at the end of the pipe.
Wrap the shorter piece of foam or pool noodle around the exposed end of the PVC pipe leaving a 2 inch overhang at the end of the pipe.
Secure the foam or pool noodle to both sides of the PVC pipe using duct tape. Place approximately 2 inches of tape on the exposed pipe. Run the tape up the side of the foam, around the top and back down the other side leaving two inches of tape on the pipe. Repeat process for the other side.
Turn the weapon slightly and repeat Step 7 until the entire surface of the foam is covered.
Wrap duct tape around the exposed handle and connecting duct tape in a clockwise motion until the entire weapon and handle is covered.
Use the measuring tape to measure a piece of foam approximately 12 inches wide and 5 feet long. Mark the measurements with the permanent marker. Use the utility knife to cut out the shape.
Begin drawing a curved line starting 2 inches from the handle edge which extends to the opposite end. The curved line will be the finished blade edge and the amount of curvature is up to you. Sand the edges of the sword until smooth. Sand small edges away at a time until the desired shape is created.
Draw a circle approximately 7 inches in diameter towards the top of the sword. Cut the circle out with the utility knife. Sand the edges of the hole until smooth. Draw a half circle approximately 7 inches in diameter towards the bottom of the sword at the same height as the top of the sword. Cut the half-circle out with the utility knife. Sand the edges of the hold until smooth.
Apply primer to each side of the sword. Allow the first coat to dry before applying another. Use the measuring tape to measure a piece of PVC pipe which measures 5 feet. Mark the measurement and cut the PVC pipe with the hacksaw. Push the PVC pipe into the sword until only 6 inches of the pipe remain exposed. Coat the end of the pipe with PVC primer and allow to dry. Recoat the same area with PVC cement and immediately slide the PVC end cap onto the pipe.
Coat the entire blade with Bondo. Allow the Bondo to dry and sand the sword until the desired texture is achieved. Paint the sword as desired.