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How to Shoot a Toy Bow & Arrow

Follow safety procedures when using a toy bow and arrow. To keep a child engaged with the bow and arrow, make cardboard targets out of printed pictures of popular toys. Use the same technique for safety and firing that is used with an adult bow and arrow.

Things You'll Need

  • Cardboard targets
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    • 1

      Set the cardboard targets on stands or tape them against large boxes. Place a marker on the ground to use as the firing line.

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      Show the child where to stand before handing him the toy bow and arrow. Explain to him why he should never point the arrow at any person or pet.

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      Show the child how to point the bow at the target, pull the string back and then "lift" the fingers off the string to release the arrow.

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      Instruct the child not to chase the arrow after it flies, instead showing him how to wait and make sure the firing area is safe. Proceed to retrieve the arrow.

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