Gas Blowback
Gas blowback, among firearms, refers to the means by which gases from a round cycle the weapon, creating a distinctive back and forth bolt movement. Because authenticity is a desirable trait among some airsoft enthusiasts, gas blowback airsoft guns recreate the cycling of a firearm by either releasing gas against a spring-operated bolt or operating a gear. Gas blowback airsoft guns are generally more expensive than their counterparts, often starting at $100.
Non-Gas Blowback
Some opt for non-gas blowback airsoft guns because the pressure required to run a bolt, for sheer aesthetics, isn't worth the cost of extra CO2 cartridges or batteries. Non-gas blowback airsoft guns lack the operating bolt or slide, are easier to maintain and are available at a wide range of prices.
Spring-Loaded and Electric
The cheapest airsoft guns are generally spring-loaded or electric "minis." Spring-loaded airsoft guns require a pump before every shot, and are solely semi-automatic. Each pump fills a pressurized gas tube which releases with a trigger pull.
Many airsoft "sniper rifles" and "shotguns" are spring-loaded and can be of higher quality than the entry-level models. Some "sniper rifles" even come equipped with individual pellet cartridges and a bolt-action for a more realistic experience.
Whether looking for realism and authenticity or just a great time with friends, always wear proper eye protection while playing airsoft.
Be aware of your surroundings; many airsoft guns look realistic, and even trained observers like law enforcement can be fooled. Tragic accidents happen, so be sure that the area is private and that you have the consent of the property's owner.