Turn on your favorite music. Make sure it has a steady beat. Pop the Bubble Wrap in time to the music. You can follow along with the percussion part or create a part of your own.
Cut the Bubble Wrap into a 10 bubble by 10 bubble square. Set a timer for 60 seconds and try to pop all the bubbles within that time frame. You can modify this game and play it against a friend. See who can pop all the bubbles first.
Paint a face or object on the Bubble Wrap. Only paint one bubble at a time. After the paint dries, pop some of the bubbles and see how it changes the picture.
Lay the Bubble Wrap out in a path on the floor. Try to get from one end of the path to the other without popping any of the bubbles. Experiment to see if it`s easier to get from one end to the other without popping bubbles if you lay the Bubble Wrap on a hard surface versus a soft surface?
Drop eggs on the Bubble Wrap from various heights and with different layers of Bubble Wrap. You can also place the Bubble Wrap on different surfaces, such as a hard wood floor or grass, to see how this changes the outcome of the egg.