Look for a "Refurbished" sign. Some retail stores have a section dedicated to refurbished products; other stores may include a sign above or below the product. Online stores sometimes mix and match new products with old ones, but always include a "Refurbished" warning somewhere on the product page.
Examine the product for a "Refurbished" sticker. Some refurbished products, such as cellphones, include a paper inside the packaging that states the product was refurbished. The paper may also say what was wrong with the product.
Assess the product for scratches, nicks, scuffs and general wear and tear. Brand new products should be free of marks, but a refurbished product may have a small scratch or look like it has been used before. Generally, if the manufacturer refurbished the product, the product will not have any marks; if it was refurbished by the store, it may look worn.
Call the manufacturer. Manufacturers keep a log of all refurbished parts and products, according to A customer service representative should be able to tell if you a product has been refurbished when you provide him with the model number.