Spinning tops are small objects that spin in place and all over the floor. Creating your own metal top gives you the chance to design it any way you like and to color it vividly. You can give these tops out as gifts to your children or other people's children or simply enjoy them yourself.
You will need a metal lathe and some light, easily pliable metal. Tin or aluminum work well as they are light and easy to lathe. However, you can pick any metal you feel comfortable using. You will also need lathing tools, such as chisels and a sander. You also need paint to decorate it.
Place your piece of metal on your lathe. Grind it down to a small cylinder using your lathing tools. The cylinder should grow narrower until it is pointed at the bottom and has a small handle on the top. Use your precision lathe tools, such as narrow chisels, to cut decorative grooves in the top. Use your sander to get rid of any sharp edges. Test how well it spins by spinning it on the sharp point. Decorate your top with paint.