Things You'll Need
Cut a rectangle from a piece of thick cardboard. The size doesn't matter, as long as it's large enough to allow you to maneuver your fingerboard.
Cut another rectangle from the cardboard. The width should match that of the first rectangle, but the length may vary, depending on how steep you want the ramp to be.
Tape the two pieces of cardboard together so that they form an acute angle (less than 90 degrees). This will form the most basic mini-ramp. Place the taped cardboard upright on a flat surface to serve as a ramp.
Vert Wall
Tear the flaps from one end of an empty cereal box.
Cut each corner of the cereal box two-thirds of the way upward, as if you are going to cut each side away from the other. Each wall will act as a flap.
Gently push the box down from the top, so that the flaps slide outward. Continue until the flaps are at the angle you desire.
Tape the flaps to a flat surface so that the cereal box does not move.