Things You'll Need
Place one Moon Shoe base with treads in the center of one Moon Shoe platform. The base should be placed tread side down and the platform should be placed strap side down so the bottom of each piece is facing up.
Insert one band in the toe area of the Moon Shoe through the slot labeled one. Pull each end of the band around the two top posts at the center of the base's front. Each band end should go around only one of the posts.
Insert one band in the heel area of the Moon Shoe through the slot labeled five. Pull each end of the band around one of the two posts located at the top of the base's heel area. Each band end should go around only one of the posts.
Insert one band into the slot of the bottom of the Moon Shoe base labeled two. Pull the band out towards the second row of posts on each side of the top portion of the base. Each end should go around only one post and the band should be stretched tight.
Insert one band through the slot labeled four and pull each end towards the second row of posts on the bottom portion of the base. Each side of the band should go around only one post on each side and the band should be pulled tight.
Insert two bands into slot number three. Take one band and pull it tight, attaching each end around the last row of posts on the toe section of the Moon Shoe's base. Pull the second band tight and place each end around one of the posts on the top row of the heel section of the Moon Shoes.
Repeat the steps to set up the second Moon Shoe. To use the Moon Shoes, the user should place his or her heel in the heel area and use the attached straps to secure them to the regular tennis shoes.