Familiarize yourself with the terminology for solving the cube. R refers to the right side, L refers to the left side, U is the side on the top and D is the layer on the bottom.
Select a color to focus on. For the purpose of this tutorial, focus on the green side and place that piece facing you.
Find the piece that includes both green and red. Place the piece next to green and turn it R counter-clockwise, D counter-clockwise, R clockwise and D clockwise.
Focus on the top, which will have one blue piece. Turn the cube until the blue piece faces you and turn the cube piece R clockwise, U clockwise, R counter-clockwise, U clockwise, R clockwise, U twice clockwise and R counter-clockwise.
Put the two black cubes in the back. Move the pieces R counter-clockwise, F clockwise, R counter-clockwise, B twice, R clockwise, F counter-clockwise, R counter-clockwise, back twice and R twice to complete the cube.