Completely charge the batteries for the transmitter and receiver before each flight. A power loss on either end will result in a complete loss of control of the plane.
Make sure no other nearby transmitters are using the same frequency as you. Most RC airfields will have a wall of tags marked with each available frequency. If you are using a frequency, take its corresponding tag so others know it is taken. If your frequency is taken, choose another location or wait for it to become available. Interfering devices will send undesired commands to your RC plane.
Avoid controlling your RC plane by pointing the antenna straight at the plane. Radio frequencies are emitted from the sides of the antenna. The tip of the antenna creates a "cone of silence" for radio transmissions. Most modern transmitters have a rounded tip on the end to minimize this effect but do not completely correct the issue.
Make sure all antennas on the transmitter and receiver are firmly and correctly attached. Do not coil or retract antennas, as this will affect their ability to transmit and receive data.