Things You'll Need
Buy a radio controlled car from a hobby shop, or from a garage sale. You can purchase a new one for around $75 to $100. Remove the chasis of the car and all of the decorative parts, except for the wheels and the base of the car.
Buy or otherwise get two servo motors. These can be purchased from your local hobby shop. This is what will allow your robot to spin and turn.
Attach the servo motors to the base of the car on both sides of it. You can do this with either mounting brackets or double-sided duct tape.
Connect one set of the wires coming out of the servo to a battery. The battery wires will be labeled for it. Use the soldering iron to do this. Connect the other wires to the receiver of the remote control unit. Once they are connected, wait for the unit to cool down, and use the remote unit to test the robot and see if it works.
Add decorations to the base of the car. You can use pieces of other toys that you have, but for a more professional look, you can buy a Legos Mindstorm robotics kit. You can either download instructions for existing robots, or you can create your own.
Turn the remote control switch for your servos on, and use the remote to spin the robot around.