Furby as Entertainment
Furby can tell stories, jokes and entertain in other ways. Always begin by clearly saying, "Hey, Furby." The Furby will respond verbally, saying "What?" or another word in Furbish.
You can then command Furby with, "Tell me a story," "Tell me a joke," "Sing me a song," "Show me a dance" or "Do you want to play?" Furby will instruct you on what it wants you to do to help with these activities.
Furby's Needs
Once again, greet Furby with "Hey Furby." When Furby responds, ask "Are you hungry?" Furby should respond in English with "yes," or in Furbish with "kah-ay-tay." If Furby is not hungry, it will tell you so. Open Furby's mouth and insert its spoon to feed it.
You can also tell or ask Furby, "How are you?" or "I love you" or "Go to sleep."
Speaking Furbish
Begin by saying, "Hey Furby." After Furby responds, say "I speak Furbish." You can then say a command in Furbish. Say "wee-tah-kah-loo-loo" to get Furby to tell a joke, or "wee-tah-kah-wee-loo" to get Furby to tell a story. "Wah-tee-kah-wah-tee" will make Furby sing, and "Oo-nye-loo-lay-doo" will make him play games. Other translations are in the guide included with your Furby.