Things You'll Need
Place one milk carton horizontally (length-wise) on a table with the pointed edge of the carton seal touching the table.
Tape black construction paper around the lower half of the carton, including the carton seal. Bring the paper up the sides about 3 inches all the way around the milk carton.
Cover the entire flat bottom of the carton with the black construction paper, leaving about 1 inch of paper free over the carton bottom.
Cover the remaining portion of the carton with white construction paper. Draw doors and windows using a drawing pen or pencil on either side of the white portion of the carton.
Paste play dough on the top-center of the carton covered in white paper.
Cut the bottom 2 to 3 inches from the second milk carton keeping its bottom intact. You will be left with a square piece about 2 to 3 inches high with no top.
Tape the cut carton with its bottom facing up to the top of the first carton, covering the play dough. Cover the cut carton with white construction paper. This will act like the ship's cabin.
Make a hole on the recently placed carton exactly above the play dough.
Insert a straw into the hole.
Cut one big triangular shape from the yellow construction paper.
Glue the triangular shape to the straw to serve as the ship's mast.
Cut round, colored shapes for portholes and glue them to the side of the ship.
Cut a 4 to 5 inch piece of cardboard into a rectangle and attach it to the ship as a gangplank.