Things You'll Need
Twist pipe cleaners into assorted shapes. Pipe cleaners are small and fit easily into diaper bags and purses, so they are perfect for waiting rooms and car trips.
Cut windows and doors into an empty large appliance box. Encourage your child to decorate the box as a playhouse. A simple cardboard box becomes a playhouse that will entertain your child for hours.
Pour beans and rice into empty plastic water bottles. Screw the lids on tightly to make homemade maracas.
Cut pictures out of magazines and glue them to craft sticks to make puppets. Your child can draw the pictures instead of cutting them out of magazines for added creativity.
Combine 1 cup of salt, 1 cup of water, 2 cups of flour, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and a few drops of food coloring to make play-dough. Refrigerate for up to three weeks. Knead the play-dough before playing with it to make it easier to manipulate.