Things You'll Need
Carve 1/2-inch notches into both of the ends of both bamboo sticks with a craft knife.
Measure 6 inches from the end of the longer stick and mark it with the pencil. Measure 10 inches from the end of the shorter stick and mark it with the pencil.
Place the sticks on the ground and line up the pencil marks. Form a cross with the notches parallel to the ground.
Securely wrap the string around the cross point of the sticks in an "X" fashion. Do not cut the string from the ball. Add a small amount of glue to the corner cross points.
Wrap the string around the perimeter of the kite, through the notches of each stick end, to create a diamond. Do not cut the string from the ball. Repeat for a second wrap. Keep the string taut.
Bring the string ball back to the center "X." Securely rewrap the center "X." Cut the string and knot it.
Cut the trash bag open and place the kite frame over it. Cut around the frame, 2 inches from all edges. Fold the edges over the string frame and secure them with the duct tape.
Reinforce the top and bottom points of the kite with small triangles of duct tape. Use the needle to punch a small hole near the tip of the reinforcement.
Cut a 2-foot-long piece of string. Knot one end through the top kite hole and the other end through the bottom hole. This will create a bridle.
Cut a 2-yard-long piece of string and tie it to the bottom of the kite for a tail. Tie 4-inch long sections of orange ribbon to the tail, every 5 inches.
Attach the string ball to the bridle about 1/3 of the way down from the top of the kite.
Cut two triangles from the orange construction paper for cat ears. Glue them to the front top of the kite.
Cut two ovals from green construction paper for cat eyes and glue them to the front of the kite.
Cut an orange triangle for a nose. Cut out orange whiskers. Glue them to the front of the kite.