Things You'll Need
Adopt a Neopet
Open your Internet browser and navigate to Create a new free account or log in to your existing account.
Select "Pet Central" and "Neopian Pound" from the top menu bar. When the page loads an image featuring three doors labeled Adopt, Transfer and Abandon will appear. Click "Adopt".
Make your Neopet selection. Users can view up to three pets at a time on one page and select "View more Neopets" in the right hand corner to see more. Keep in mind that adopting a Neopet isn't free; users must pay in Neopoints, the game's form of money, for their pets. The price of the Neopet depends on four factors including: attack, defense, movement and overall level of the pet. Those with higher rankings cost more NP (Neopoints). When you've read through each animal's statistics and know which pet you want and can afford, click on the image and "Adopt" in the lower right corner.
Confirm the adoption and its price by clicking "OK" on the dialog box that appears. This will return you to your home page where you can view and edit your new Neopet.