Things You'll Need
Take the cap off your wide, flat-styled highlighter and place it to the side.
Remove the highlighter's end cap with a pair of needle-nose pliers. The end cap is usually on pretty tight, so a child may need to ask a parent for help. Once the cap is removed, grip the newly exposed ink roll with the pliers and pull it out. Finally, pull out the second ink roll in the highlighter tip.
Insert the edge of your coin battery between the two legs, or terminals, of your 5mm LED. Press the terminals against the battery to make sure that your LED is fully functional.
Cut a small strip of electrical tape and press one end against one side of the battery. Wrap the remaining length of tape around the coin battery to secure the LED terminals against the battery contacts. Your LED should be glowing merrily without the need for you to manually press the terminals against the battery.
Hold the battery and LED assembly so that the LED faces the ground. Hold your highlighter vertically and drop the assembly into the large hole in the end. The flat, wide shape of this particular type of highlighter pen is perfectly sized to accept the coin battery.
Wad up a few tissues and pack them behind the LED assembly within the highlighter pen to hold everything in place.
Turn off the lights and witness the portable, glowing power of a simple coin battery and 5mm LED. Cap your light pen when it is not in use.