Things You'll Need
Put on the goggles. Goggles are important for operating a BB gun because the BBs travel fast enough to hurt people but slow enough to ricochet from hard surfaces causing a potential hazard for the person who fired the BB gun. A ricocheted BB will not cause injury to the body, but can cause serious damage to the eyes.
Insert BB's into the gun. Check your user manual to find the location of where to insert the BBs for your specific BB gun rifle.
Pump the rifle. There are two different types of BB gun rifles that that use different actions to pump it. One model requires you to pump your BB gun rifle by holding the hand guard and sliding it up toward the the barrel and back, while the other model requires you to pull the hand guard down and back. Some BB guns are single pump while other BB guns allow you to increase shot power with multiple pumps. A stronger shot will allow for a more accurate shot but will also increase the power of ricochet.
Cock the gun. There are two different methods for cocking BB guns depending on your model. Some BB gun rifles have a hammer located at the top of the rifle toward the aim. For these BB guns, make sure your eye isn't too close to the hammer when aiming since the hammer slams forward after firing the rifle. The other method is called "bolt action" where you slide the bolt, located at the side of the BB gun, forward and lock it down into place. With either method, the gun cannot fire until it is cocked.
Hold the gun firmly with the butt end rested against your shoulder, your dominate hand on the trigger and your other hand supporting the weight of the gun by holding the hand guard.
Look down the barrel through the aimer and match the nob that sticks up from the end of the barrel so it is on your target and centered through the aimer, then pull the trigger.