Things You'll Need
Lay one skewer vertically and measure ¼ foot from the top. Place the second skewer horizontally, with the middle of the second skewer at the ¼ foot point.
Bind the two skewers to form a cross using the strong cotton thread in an "X" around the center point where the skewers cross.
Cut a plastic bag down the side and bottom, so that it opens into a single sheet. Lay the kite frame over the sheet, and, using a ruler, create a line between each skewer tip to form a diamond shape outline. Take the kite frame off.
Place a length of sticky tape on the edges of the diamond on all sides, with the outline in the center of the sticky tape. Cut along the outline so that half the sticky tape is cut away, leaving a diamond shape with a reinforced edge.
Lay the kite frame back over the plastic diamond sheet, and secure the sheet to each skewer end with sticky tape.
Thread the needle, and poke two small holes in the plastic on either side of the vertical skewer, about 1 inch from the horizontal skewer at the top. Sew a loose loop around the vertical skewer, leaving about 2 feet of cotton thread. Use the loose end of the cotton thread to sew another loop around 3 inches from the end of the vertical skewer, making a bridle between the two points.
Tie the fishing line to the bridle, near to the cross point of the skewers.
Cut the second plastic bag into strips, and secure them to the end of the kite with sticky tape. The kite is ready to fly.