"Beyblade" is a toy-based competition game which tests a person's precision and focus. The object of the game is to launch your beyblade figure(resembling a top) at your opponent's. If you can knock your opponent's figure out of the Beystaduim(a surface where the beyblades fight) or can keep your figure spinning longer than your opponent's, you will win. There is a tool you can make out of simple household items that will help you train to launch your beyblade faster and with greater strength.
- Laundry basket
- Newspaper
- Adhesive tape
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Place your laundry basket on the floor.
Spread roughly five sheets of newspaper over the opening of the laundry basket. Secure the paper with adhesive tape.
Turn the laundry basket on its side.
Stand a few feet away from the laundry basket, and use your beyblade to launch your beyblade figure at paper on the laundry basket. Your goal should be to hit the center of the basket, and make your figure tear through all the sheets of paper.