Things You'll Need
Place newspaper down on a work surface. Put the tracing paper down on the newspaper. Tape the sides of the tracing paper to the newspaper with cellophane tape.
Place the toy cap gun down on its side on the tracing paper with the barrel facing right. Draw around the handle of the toy gun with the black marker. Put the toy gun aside. Remove the tape from the tracing paper.
Put the plywood down on the newspaper. Put the tracing paper down on the plywood. Tape the sides of the tracing paper to the plywood with cellophane tape.
Cut through the tracing of the gun handle with the utility knife to cut the plywood. Remove the cellophane tape from the tracing paper. Remove the tracking paper from the plywood. Remove the gun handle cutout from the plywood.
Put the cutout of the gun handle on the plywood. Cut around the gun handle and through the plywood with the utility knife.
Place one of the gun handles on the newspaper, with the back edge facing left. Tape one of the ends of the ruler to the side of the gun handle just inside of the top right edge with cellophane tape.
Apply white glue on one side of the other gun handle. Press the side of the gun handle that has been glued to the side of the gun handle that has the ruler attached to it. Press the two gun handles together. Let the glue dry for an hour.
Stick a thumb tack in the front top edge of the ruler that is now the barrel of your wooden airsoft gun. Stick a thumb tack at the back edge on the top of the wooden gun handle.
Place the loop of a rubber band around the thumb tack at the front of the ruler. Stretch the rubber band and loop it around the thumb tack at the back end of the gun handle.
Aim your wooden airsoft gun at an imaginary target and flick the rubber band off the thumb tack on the handle with your finger to fire it.