Basic Techniques
Beginners will want to learn the basic Chinese yo-yo tricks first, as these will be the foundation for more advanced tricks. One of the basic tricks is to do the ̶0;open string spin̶1; with the yo-yo. Begin by placing the yo-yo on the string between two sticks. Hold the sticks so that the string is in a V shape; the yo-yo should be sitting on the ground slightly to your right. Start manipulating your sticks so that the yo-yo is rolling along the ground. Pull both sticks up into the air so that the Chinese yo-yo is about one foot off the ground. Quickly raise your right stick up to initiate the spinning motion of the yo-yo, and then loosely raise your left stick. Continue this motion to keep the yo-yo spinning along the string. The same procedure is followed for the ̶0;cross string spin,̶1; with just one adjustment. At the beginning, while the yo-yo is still resting on the floor, switch the sticks between your hands by passing the right stick in front of the left. Then, continue with the same procedure as before. Understanding the basic technique for these spinning tricks will be necessary as you move into more advanced tricks.
Advanced Tricks
After the basic spinning techniques are understood, move into more advanced Chinese yo-yo tricks. Visit for detailed instructions and example videos on these complex tricks (see References). To begin, try the ̶0;Ant Climbing Tree,̶1; which features the Chinese yo-yo climbing up the vertical string. Then, move onto the ̶0;Around the Leg̶1; or ̶0;Around the Arm̶1; trick, which actually sends the yo-yo spinning around your limbs. The Harvard Chinese YoYo Club also features a variety of tricks on its website (see References). One of the most advanced tricks featured on this site is ̶0;Around the World,̶1; which requires you to release the stick and yo-yo from the right hand. The stick and yo-yo rotate completely around the left hand and are then caught by the right hand. ̶0;Goldenfinger̶1; is another interesting trick that involves advanced practice. The spinning yo-yo is actually placed on the tips of your index and middle finger. After a few seconds, the fingers then throw the yo-yo back onto the string, which hangs free from the left stick. As the yo-yo reaches the string, the right stick wraps around the yo-yo axle once and is caught by the right hand.