Fill the Machine With Gumballs
To fill the globe of the gumball machine with gum, unscrew the screw lock at the very top and remove the cap. Pour the gumballs into the machine carefully and slowly to avoid spilling them. Also, the globe is glass and could break if a hard gumball hit it just right. Other hard candies can be used, but try to stay away from sticky candies that will lump together and would not dispense. When finished, put the cap back on and screw the lock back into place. Do not tighten the lock too much because it could break the glass.
Dispense Gumballs
To dispense a gumball from the Carousel machine, insert a coin flat into the coin slot and into the coin groove so that it stays there without holding it. Turn the knob located below the coin slot. The coin will disappear into the machine, but keep turning the knob until a gumball dispenses from the chute. If the machine model does not have a door on the end of the chute, hold a hand below the chute to catch the gumball.
Adjust Amount Dispensed
To get more than one gumball at a time, or to only get one, start by removing the globe. Unscrew the screw lock and remove the cap. Then remove the nut and spider globe retaining ring with gasket that sits atop the globe. Remove the globe. Below the globe, remove the gasket and brush off plate. The adjustable wheel will be exposed, and by moving the wheel, the opening for the gumballs will get larger or smaller. Adjust it to the desired size, then replace the brush off plate, making sure it covers the dispensing chute in the main body. Replace the gasket and globe, then the spider globe retaining ring with gasket, nut, cap and screw lock. Do not over-tighten the screw lock because it could cause the globe to break.
Clean the Globe
To clean the globe, first remove it from the machine. Unscrew the screw lock and remove the cap. Then remove the nut and spider globe retaining ring with gasket that sits atop the globe. Remove the globe carefully and wash it with warm water and soap. Make sure the glass is rinsed and dried thoroughly before replacing it on the machine. If a globe breaks, a replacement can be purchased through Carousel. Place the globe back on the machine and replace all the parts that were removed: spider globe retaining ring with gasket, nut, cap and screw lock. Do not over-tighten the screw lock because it could cause the globe to break.