Things You'll Need
Determine the type of LEGO figure you want to build. You may want to try a train operator or police man. Use your imagination to start with an idea.
Compile all the pieces you will need for the figure. This should include a head, torso, legs, arms and hands at the very least. Select a color scheme that matches your idea for your figure.
Assemble the LEGO figure. Place the torso on the legs, making sure that the legs will bend forward allowing the figure to walk and sit. Place the head on the torso and the arms in the shoulder sockets on either side of the torso. The hands resemble rounded claws and insert at the ends of the arms.
Add accessories to your LEGO figure by placing them in the figure's hands or attaching hats to the top of the head.
Customize your LEGO figure with decals. Use the scissors and X-Acto knife to cut out the exact shape of the decal on the cutting mat. Use the tweezers to hold the decal over the part of the LEGO figure you want it to decorate. Apply the decal using the paint brush dipped in distilled water and brushed over the decal allowing it to dry.