Chia Pet was not invented by Joseph Pedott. In 1977 Pedott met Walter Houston, a man who imported and sold small clay figurines called "Chia Pets." Houston was failing to make a profit, and Pedott, believing he could market the product more successfully, negotiated to buy the rights. The first Chia Pet, a ram, made its official television debut in 1982 and still remains one of the best sellers.
During an agency brainstorming session, someone playfully stuttered the name Chia. Pedott knew a good jingle when he heard it, and the "Chi-Chi-Chi-Chia" catchphrase was born.
American Icon
Chia Pets have become so deeply rooted in North American culture that these terracotta figurines are part of the Smithsonian Institutions' permanent collection.
Licensed characters include a dinosaur, President Obama and Shrek, all growing green manes.
A no-mess alternative is Apple's Chia Pet widget for the Mac OS X Dashboard. A water droplet button lets you feed your pet, and every two days your pet grows. Going out of town? Put your pet to sleep and then wake it when you return.